
We are a platform, an incubator, and accelerator, that champions the new democratic representation practices of women to improve social and environmental justice.
Our platform champions a new era of political leadership driven by women, to make significant progress in the realms of social welfare, justice and enviromental protection.
Support compeling candidates with robust policy agendas.
We build articulate networks of citizens who are committed to driving social transformations. They are equipped with technical proficiency and are politically organized with a medium-to-long-term vision.
In an environment of challenging political polarization, we create a platform that offers a safe space for dialogue and consensus-building across political ideologies and civil society.
We are not a political party to keep our autonomy and plurality to build alliances and joint agendas with a diversity of groups, orgsanizations and decision-takers.
About us
We’re looking for women that represents a new way to build politics. Also for excluded or discriminated identities for ocuppy the political arena. These women have a trajectory and experience on base work with causes and communities. They are sure that politics can transform societies and it needs clear rules, eliminating croonism.
Alejandra García
Alejandra López
Alejandra Parra
Alexa von Wobeser
Alexandra Zapata
Alil Álvarez
Alina Bassegoda
Ana Elena Cruz
Ana Gabriela González
Ana Hierro
Ana Joaquina Ruiz
Ana Luz Díaz
Anastacia Gómez
Andrea Foncerrada
Ángeles Anaya
Aura Martínez
Azyadeth Adame
Bárbara Aranda
Bárbara Torres Méndez
Brisa Ceccon
Brissia Balderrama
Carla Fernández
Carmen Lucía Munguía
Carmen Ortega
Catalina Pérez Correa
Cecilia Lavalle
Claudia Aguilar
Claudia Maldonado
Claudia Muñoz
Claudia Revilla
Daniela Alatorre
Dinorah Cantú
Eglé Flores
Elena Fortes
Elisa Gómez
Elvira Liceaga
Eugenia Correa
Farah Munayer
Fernanda Pérez Mac
Georgina de la Fuente
Gracia Goya
Guadalupe Nettel
Iren G. Cañal
Irma Uribe
Jimena Escobar
Johanna Murillo
Josefina Macgregor
Julia Reyes Retana
Karini Flores
Laura Novaro
Leonor Quiroz
Leonora Milán
Leticia Jáuregui
Lorena Vázquez
Luisa Conesa
María Álvarez Reyes Retana
María Eugenia Márquez
Marian Olvera
Mariana Campos
Mariana Linares Cruz
Mariana Niembro
Mariana Valdés
Mariana Vázquez del Mercado
Maricarmen Lanzagorta
Marion Reimers
MariRouss Villegas
Maruma Godoy
Mercedes Caso
Mercedes López
Monica Tapia
Nancy Araujo
Natalia Beristain
Norma Cerros
Paola Bortoluz
Patricia Abardía
Patricia Carrillo Collard
Patricia Serdán
Paula Hurtado
Paulina Gutierrez
Rebeca Moreno
Rosa Eugenia Sandoval-Bustos
Rosa Morales
Sandra Guzmán
Siobhan Guerrero
Socorro Vargas
Tania Sánchez
Valeria Bravata
Valeria Chapa
Verónica Ortiz
Ximena Ramos
Yatziri Zepeda
Zuraya Tapia-Hadley
Equipa nacional
- Ana Sujeiri
- Gabriela Jiménez
- Karla Cuéllar
- Mariana Linares Cruz
- Mónica Tapia
- Rebeca Moreno
- Sol Alanís
Ciudad de México:
- Co- Directora: Paulina Gutiérrez
- Co- Directora: Janett Lucio
- Coordinadora: Dafne Pimentel
- C. de Membresía: Abedul Herrera
- C. de Agenda: Jessica Marroquín
- C. de Procuración: Gracia Goya
- C. de Vinculación: Itzel Hermida
- Coordinadora: Julia Ramírez
- Directora: Rubí Cortés
- C. de Agenda: Alba Cruz
- C. de Seguridad: Amyrani Ibáñez
- C. de Procuración: Esther Vásquez y María del Pilar López
- C. de Vinculación: Alma Herrera y Rogelia González
- C. de Membresía: Mariana Niembro
- Co-Directora: Güicha Ramírez
- Coordinadora: Sandra Patiño
- C. de Aúnas: Regina Arauz y Yanuaria de Alba
- C. de Agenda y vinculación: Mar Álvarez
Nuevo León:
- Co-Directora: Ana Hierro
- Co-Directora: Odile Cortés
- Coordinadora: Agueda Gon
- C. de Procuración: Tatiana Fraga
- C. de Agenda: Ximena Peredo
- C. de Seguridad: Angélica Maldonado
- C. de Eventos: Sofía Mar
- Coordinadora: Princesa Cabrera
- C. de Membresía: Deyanira Uribe
- C. de Agenda: Aleida Alarcón
- C. de Seguridad: Faridis Cruz
- C. de Vinculación: Yesenia Octaviano
- C. de Procuración: Brenda González
The programmatic agenda consists of the following proposals:
1. Peace building and legal justice
Given the pervasive violence in Mexico, we aim to promote a State that builds peace, provides access to justice, prevents crime, and eliminates repression, impunity, and corruption.
2. Environmental policies
Given Mexico’s significant biodiversity, we aim to advance energy transitions with a focus on social justice to protect our ecosystems and promote sustainable cities.
3. Equitable economic policies with equity
given Mexico’s widespread inequality, we advocate for an institutional framework that prioritizes public spending for the most vulnerable while also creating a competitive market with a progressive tax structure.
4. Social development policies
we push for universal healthcare, social protection programs, and guaranteed quality education for all.
5. Gender equality
we push for care policies that eliminate violence against women and give women autonomy over their own health, body and sexuality.
The programmatic agenda consists of the following proposals:
1. Peace building and legal justice
2. Environmental policies
3. Equitable economic policies with equity
4. Social development policies
5. Gender equality
This is a program that provides avenues to get involved, participate, and belong to a group of women committed to being protagonists in the civic sphere. Local Chapters seek, identify, and encourage women with diverse profiles to run for office. Chapters identify women who are close with their communities, have dialogue with voters, and represent the plurality of identities that have traditionally been left out.
SUMAR fund
Due to inequities, we recognize that there are certain barriers that prevent us from being in the spaces we would like to be in. Learn more about our membership program at Fondo SUMAR.
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¡Impulsa tu campaña!

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